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Fugalite Bio Epoxy Grout 3kg – White


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Fuga Lite Bio – 2kg of Part A and 1kg of Part B

Fugalite is a water‑based hypo‑allergenic resin. It is waterproof, stain‑proof, silk‑effect grouting of porcelain tiles, natural stones and glass mosaic.
Available in 24 natural shades inspired by the collections mainly used for making contemporary ceramic coverings. Guarantees the aesthetic and functional continuity of grouted surfaces.
Resistant to UV rays
Water‑resistant – Drop effect, water‑resistant, non‑absorbent and does not change colour.

Fugalite Bio is dermatologically‑tested, with the result as hypoallergenic according to a skin tolerance medical experiment conducted at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia dermatological clinic.

Weight 3 kg